by Sara Greer | Adults, Health, Kids, Medical Dermatology Southlake
Sunscreen has been in the news lately. Headlines, like Two-Thirds of Sunscreens Failing Safety Tests have provoked questions from our patients at our Southlake, Texas Dermatology practice. The soon-to-be-released report is expected to show that analysis of 1300...
by Sara Greer | Health, Kids, Medical Dermatology Southlake
Teenage Acne For our young adult patients, August in the North Texas area often means two-a-day football practices, getting ready for school to start, and oppressively hot summer temperatures. This amounts to lots of perspiration, stress and, unfortunately, acne...
by Sara Greer | Health, Medical Dermatology Southlake
Summer in Southlake, Texas could be considered the high season for our Dallas area dermatology office. This is the time of year that patients experience the maximum exposure to the sun. The triple digit intensity of our Texas summer sun peaks precisely at the same...